Project Includes

  • Teacher Guide
  • Student Workbook
  • Customizable Resources
  • Assessment Tools
  • Extension Activities
  • Sample Files
  • Templates
  • Parent Letters
  • Certificates


Item Number: SNR-WEB
Technology Integration: Browsing, Language Arts, Management, Science.
Technology Skill: Microsoft Publisher
Program: Internet explorer, google chrome.

Includes: Introducing Microsoft Publisher, creating of business card, sample cards, add border art, company logo designing, save and print the document, browsing web pages, proposing sample web page ideas, full page publication, search engine usage, being specific, different types of search engines, planning web page, designing webpage, adding information on web page, images and background image insertion in a web page, animating the webpage, adding hyperlinks to the web page, uploading the web page.

Session 1: Webmasters
Introducing Microsoft Publisher, design a card in Microsoft Publisher.
Session 2: Make a Proposal
Study webpages, planning of a questionnaire, make a proposal.
Session 3: Surfing the Net
Introducing Search engine, Finding links, planning a web page.
Session 4: Building a Web Page
Designing of Web Page phase one.
Session 5: Web Design Phase Two
Inserting animations, images to the web page, adding Hyperlinks.
Session 6: Upload the Web Page
Save the publication, upload the Web page.

Optional Web Lesson Plans

  • Introduction of Microsoft Publisher: About Microsoft Publisher, opening, working with it.
  • Surfing on net: Browsing the net for more ideas and using of search engine.
  • Web page designing: Adding of images, animations, adding hyperlink.
  • What to make: Making of Proposal, teaching about ideas how to design.
  • Make a Web page: Create the webpage, adding of information, background.
  • Publishing Web Page: Saving the publication, Upload the Webpage.

Integrate Technology with Designing cards enhancing creative skills.

Middle school students become webmasters. They use the web design lesson plans to create a web page in Microsoft Publisher that includes text, pictures, and hyperlinks arranged attractively.

  • Create an informative web page.
  • Rate navigation, appearance, and content of a website.
  • Make a business card using Microsoft Publisher.
  • Write an illustrated business proposal for a web page.
  • Use the internet to research information.
  • Organize research using a planner.
  • Format the font, size, alignment, and color of text.
  • Customize the border, fill, and shadow of a text box.
  • Add and format wordart.
  • Insert A Picture File, Clip Art, And Motion Clip.


elementary computer based activities 


Customer Reviews

Middle school students become webmasters. They use the web design lesson plans to create a web page in Microsoft Publisher that includes text, pictures, and hyperlinks arranged attractively.


elementary computer based activities 
