Project Includes

  • Teacher Guide
  • Student Workbook
  • Customizable Resources
  • Assessment Tools
  • Extension Activities
  • Sample Files
  • Templates
  • Parent Letters
  • Certificates


Item Number: SNR-MIND
Technology Integration: Language Arts.
Technology Skill: Programming.
Program: RoboMind
Includes: Virtual Reality, introduction to Robomind, Types of Robots, Concepts of Programming, RoboMind Interface, logics behind the Programming, flow chart, paint & grab, loops, Applying Directional Programming, procedures.

Session 1: Welcome to the Virtual Reality
Virtual reality and it applications, introduction to software interface of simulation software called Robomind
Session 2: Story of Robots
Robotics and importance of programming, introduction to Software interface of robomind programming, how flowcharts help in making program, control robot with virtual remote control.
Session 3: Instructions in RoboMind
Basic instructions in Robomind, how to write the program.
Session 4: Paint & Grab
How to use Paint & Grab functions in robot, Introduction of Loops.
Session 5: Smart Programming
Learn the use of conditional statements and Logical expressions.
Session 6: Procedures
Introduction Procedure.

Optional Mind Lesson Plans

  • Optional Mind Lesson Plans
  • Introduction to Robotics: timeline, types of robots.
  • Program structure: comments, syntax, basic instructions, rotation, start programming.
  • Procedures: Explaining about procedures and Programming Lego.
  • Remote control: Pick up objects, paint with Robo.
  • Program structure: comments, syntax, basic instructions, rotation, start programming.

Robotic Technology

Introducing the child to the world of Virtual reality, Robotics, types of robots, programming a robot using Robomind software, using of remote control, writing codes and programs to operate a robot. Helping the child to make his own real time robot and programming it by himself.

  • Understanding Virtual reality.
  • Understanding Haptics Technology.
  • Identify types of Robots.
  • Understand the concepts of Programming.
  • Clear knowledge in RoboMind interface.
  • Understand logics behind the Programming.
  • Understand the Flow chart.
  • Identify the optimum solution.
  • Understanding and developing algorithm.
  • Converting Algorithm to Flow chart

Customer Reviews

Introducing the child to the world of Virtual reality, Robotics, types of robots, programming a robot using Robomind software, using of remote control, writing codes and programs to operate a robot. Helping the child to make his own real time robot and programming it by himself.